Real Estate Law

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Immigration Law

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Commercial and Residential Real Estate Law

Whether you are buying or selling your home, Terra Law Professional Corporation is here to assist you each step of the way, right from reviewing your Agreement of Purchase and Sale with you, all the way to closing day. Terra Law also assists with refinancing mortgages and amending/transferring title. Click below to learn more about how we can help you with each of our services.

Buying a Home

Buying your first home or an investment property is an exciting, and expensive time, and at Terra Law we understand that. Besides reviewing your Agreement of Purchase and Sale with you, ensuring all of the timelines/deadlines are calendarized, and ensuring you have provided the sellers with a firm offer, we will provide you with detailed information about title insurance, your obligation/rights in regard to your purchased property and how to take title. Terra Law keeps an open line of communication by providing you with an overview at the very start of the process, request for information and/or documentation upfront and what your role is on closing day.

When making one of the most expensive purchases of your life, if not the most expensive purchase, the last thing you want is a large legal fee bill at the end of your closing day. At Terra Law, we provide you with a flat legal-fee structure, in addition to disbursements, which helps you cap your closing costs effectively.

Terra Law wants to ensure you enjoy the process of your buying property and that the entire experience, from viewing the house to closing day, is a memorable one. We will go the extra mile to make sure you are informed of all matters regarding your closing and will be here to answer any questions you have.

If you are buying a home or an investment property, email or call 905-000-0000 today!


Selling a Home

Selling your property is an exciting but stressful time, and at Terra Law we understand that. From making sure you know exactly what is included in the sale of your house, to only paying your share of the property tax and other shared expenses, at Terra Law we will review your Agreement of Purchase and Sale, along with all signing documents in great detail, so that you are aware of your obligations/rights as a seller. We may also pay outstanding mortgages on your behalf and ensure that any remaining proceeds from the sale, after all costs such as legal fees and disbursements are paid, is provided to you as soon as possible. Terra Law keeps an open line of communication by providing you with an overview at the very start of the process, request for information and/or documentation upfront and what your role is on closing day.

When selling your property, you might be looking to turn a profit or invest the profits made into another property, and therefore want to retain the largest amount of profits as possible. At Terra Law, we provide you with a flat legal-fee structure, in addition to disbursements, which helps you cap your closing costs effectively.

Terra Law wants to ensure you that you have a hassle-free experience when selling your property, from listing your property to closing day, and receiving any balance funds, if applicable. We will go the extra mile to make sure you are informed of all matters regarding your closing and will be here to answer any questions you have.

If you are selling property, email or call 905-000-0000 today!


Mortgage Refinance & Transferring Title

Refinancing your mortgage has serious financial implications and you should be aware of all of them before signing required documentation. At Terra Law, we review all of the mortgage refinancing documents and ensure that you understand absolutely everything required for you to obtain the refinance and also the terms of the refinance. Registering title on property is one of the most important aspects of a real estate transaction, and PRM Law is able to explain to you the consequences of adding, removing and/or amending title. For each matter, PRM Law keeps an open line of communication by providing you with an overview at the very start of the process, request for information and/or documentation upfront, and keeping you updated with all deadlines.

When completing these additional processes, you want to ensure that your costs are low and capped. At Terra Law, we provide you with a flat legal-fee structure, in addition to disbursements, which helps you budget your costs effectively.

Terra Law wants to ensure you that you have a smooth experience when refinancing your mortgage and/or transferring title. We will go the extra mile to make sure you are informed at all times regarding your matter and will be here to answer any questions you have.

If you are transferring title or refinancing your mortgage, email or call 905-000-0000 today!



Immigration Law

Terra Law assists individuals enter Canada on a temporary and permanent basis, as well as a permanent residents. Alongside assisting businesses by providing corporate immigration services which allows corporations to retain their existing talent.


Canada is a popular destination for tourism all year around. From the Rocky Mountains to Niagara Falls, to Toronto, one of the largest metropolises in North America, Canada’s unique geography, culture and diversity make it an appealing destination for all. Planning a trip to Canada for special occasions, visiting relatives and/or friends, or just for tourism purposes is an exciting time. Supplying correct information and supporting documents in a timely manner are crucial to obtaining a Visitors Visa for your trip to Canada.

Terra Law wants you to experience an enjoyable and memorable journey from the very start. After confirming your eligibility to apply for a Visitor Visa, Terra Law will work closely with you to ensure that the strongest application in support of your visit to Canada is put forth to the appropriate authorities.



Individuals who would like to enter Canada for business activities but without directly entering the Canadian labour market may qualify to enter Canada as a Business Visitor. Individuals under this category do not require a work permit.

For more information about entering Canada as a Visitor or Business Visitor, contact E-MAIL: or call 905-000-0000 today! or Book an Assessment.



With one of the best education systems in the world, Canada provides students with numerous opportunities to learn and obtain hands-on experience prior to entering the work force. Upon acceptance from a learning institution in Canada, individuals may be allowed to apply for a study permit. In addition to showing proof of acceptance to a Canadian leaning institution and the financial ability to support one’s stay in Canada for the duration of the study, an application is based on meeting and proving all the other criteria to obtain a study permit. This criteria includes being admissible to Canada, selecting an educational path that is correct for one’s future career goals and much more.

Terra Law understands that education is the foundation to your future goals and growth, and wants to assist you in successfully achieving them from the very start. After confirming your eligibility to apply for a study permit, Terra Law will work closely with you to ensure that the strongest application in support of your study permit is put forth to the right authorities.

We are also able to assist individuals who require a temporary resident visa and/or a work permit during their study period. Individuals accompanying their spouse or partner on a valid study permit to Canada, may also be eligible to work in Canada. For more information about entering Canada as a Student, contact or call 905-000-0000 today! or Book an Assessment.



Canada has an enormous workforce, employing hundreds of thousands of people in different industries and sectors, across the country. With numerous growth opportunities, competitive compensation and benefit packages, and being part of a talented team, Canada has much to offer individuals from across the globe to come and work in Canada. Become a part of this exciting workforce by obtaining a valid work permit.

Securing a valid job offer by a Canadian employer facilitates the entry of foreign workers into the Canadian labour market. Most individuals are required to accept an offer of employment prior to their entry to Canada to be able to obtain a work permit. Work permits can be employer-specific or open and can be issued at the port-of-entry or at a Visa Office abroad. There are many different categories under which a work permit can be issued and PRM Law is here to assist you find the best category to suit your individual needs.

Terra Law is able to assist with the following types of work permit applications:

  • Labour Market Impact Assessment based Work Permit.
  • Labour Market Impact Assessment Exempt Categories including:
    • Intra-Company Transfer,
    • Free trade agreements including North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and Canada – European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA),
    • Reciprocal Employment,
    • International Experience Canada,
    • Significant Benefits, and
    • Bridging Open Work Permits.

Options for individuals to obtain a work permit under different categories are also available. Individuals entering Canada on a work permit may also be allowed to bring in their accompanying family members to Canada.

Options for individuals to obtain a work permit under different categories are also available. Individuals entering Canada on a work permit may also be allowed to bring in their accompanying family members to Canada. For more information about entering Canada as a Worker, contact or call 905-000-0000 today! or Book an Assessment.
